Open Source Context
Donald McCarthy
Cheap Parking and Express Lanes Through Your Proxy Filters
Infrastructure as a service/code has taken root. With a few API calls and some minor orchestration, almost anyone is able to have a horde of servers at their disposal in seconds. This however doesn’t generally help bypass proxy filters and those looking for new infrastructure. This presentation will focus on techniques and services that APTs and other cyber criminals are using to turn what used to be a months/years long process into something achievable on short timelines, how and where this has been used in the past, quantification of the problem (although incomplete), and who we need to get engaged in order to solve it.
Mac is a LABSCon veteran and a connoisseur of that sweet, sweet DNS. Currently he is the Director of Field Operations for Open Source Context. He has two decades of experience in IT and has previously presented on topics such as accidentally finding an APT in DNS, the relationships of credentials stuffing activity to underground forums, money mule networks in business email compromise, abusing DNS for cyber-risk reduction, and many more.