Matthias Frielingsdorf

You Shall Not Pass: Dancing with Expressions

Many great movies and books come in trilogies, and this story might be no different. After my initial attempt to discuss NSO’s latest public iOS exploit, BLASTPASS, I could only set the scene. Despite many unanswered questions and most of the sample still unanalyzed, I had to stop. Now, join me as we dive once more into the depths of this sample’s mysteries and finally uncover some of the answers we’ve been seeking. One question remains: Is there enough left for a third part?

Matthias Frielingsdorf leads the research team at iVerify. He previous wored on on securing Deutsche Bahn’s Smartphones and Tablets and testing mobile security software and upcoming security products for T-Systems. He wrote his Master Thesis on iOS Exploit / Malware detection and has presented at OBTS and HITB about the detection of iOS Malware. Matthias is passionate about all things related to iOS security. When he’s not playing basketball or games he loves to spend his time learning new things around iOS.
